Just like everything else, I did a lot of research about potty chairs. I was almost 100% positive that I wanted to get the fancy Baby Bjorn potties until I read the reviews about them. It never would have dawned on me to think about splash guards and the high center piece when dealing with girls. I'm glad I actually did read up before just going out and buying them.
Like I said previously, I'm not positive that the girls are ready for this but we are going to start slowly and see where we go. If it doesn't work and the girls reject the idea completely, then we will wait a few months and try again. I've heard too many horror stories about parents who start potty training too early and then their children rebel and they are in diapers until they are three. I have no plans to force the issue and plan to let the girls decide on their own when they are ready. So, my plans are to just introduce the potty before the girls take a bath. I will let them sit on the chair and see how it goes. Wish me luck!
If you have any potty suggestions, I'm all ears!