Friday, March 11, 2011

If you think my hands are full....

So last night Terry and I loaded the girls up in the car and made a trip to Costco.  Normally we go to Costco on the weekends after the girls are fresh from a nap.  Wanting to be able to have a relaxing weekend at home, we decided to go yesterday evening after I got home from work.  The girls were a little crabby since they are getting some new molars. 

We got to Costco and Alexis doesn't want to sit in the cart.  Terry and I immediately go into power shopping mode, both knowing it's a matter of maybe ten minutes before we have a full on melt down.  Armed with our usual shopping list of diapers, wipes, paper plates, Cheerios, applesauce, peaches, green beans etc etc.  Terry heads in one direction and I take the cart with the girls and head in the opposite direction.

Long story short, as I'm trying to load two massive boxes of diapers into our over sized cart, Alexis is trying to climb out of the cart and Addison is crying "where Da Da go".  I'm sure I was looking frantic and a little stressed.  A woman walks up to me, puts her hand on my shoulder and says, "it looks like you have your hands full."  I reply with my usual response when people say this...."yep, but I wouldn't change one second of it."  She then says.....

"I'm sure no matter how full your hands are, your heart is even fuller."

Yep, she is/was 100% correct.  I couldn't have said it any better myself!


Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

That is my usual response too, hands are full but heart even fuller! Gotta love that rationale.

A lot different than the woman who stopped me at the Mexican restaurant to tell me how horrible I was because my kids got chips on the floor. For shame! :)

Emily said...

That's a great saying! I'll have to use that next time. My girls were disastrous at Home Depot today and I'm sure there were many customers and staff thinking that I had my hands way too full! But you're absolutely right - I wouldn't change a second of it!