Thursday, October 31, 2013





Stay tuned for photos from 2013!!! 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Apparently, our kitchen island is as good of place as any to practice reading your sight word book for school. 



Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I know I've mentioned on multiple occasions that I love our library.  Story time this past Saturday was no exception.  After reading their "spooky" stories they played with a parachute.  The girls had a blast.  I love that they love going to the library.  They absolutely love to read and all the fun activities our local library provides.


Monday, October 28, 2013


The girls had their last swim lesson of the Fall Session last week.  (Winter Session starts after Halloween)  The girls were super stoked to get to "dive" off the block in the deep pool.  Alexis tells everyone that it was nine feet deep.  She's pretty close at 9.2 feet.

My pictures are kinda crappy but you get the idea.  Alexis has no fear and climbed right up onto the block and jumped off.  Addison needed a little extra convincing.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


I think I've mentioned before that Alexis has become infatuated with Spider-Man.  She has been begging for Spider-Man clothing.  She has asked for a back-pack, a jacket, a shirt, socks, and jammies....all of these items we have recently seen at the store. 
Last night on the way home from work I had to stop at Target to grab something.  I happened to walk past a rack of pj's.  I couldn't resist.  I knew Alexis would be so excited.  I chose Sophia jammies for Addison knowing she would also be excited but not nearly as excited as Alexis.
When I got home, later than usual, I told the girls I had a surprise for them.  Alexis went crazy.  She actually got mad when she had to take them off for school today.  Addison was also in love with her Sophia jammies. 
After dinner, Alexis came up to me a gave me a gigantic unprompted hug.  She looked at me and said "You are the bestest mommy in the world.  I love my new jammies!  Thank you Mommy!"
That made every penny I spent on those jammies 100% worth it!!
Not the best photos but here are their new pj's:

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Friendly Feast Boo-Fet....

This past Saturday (October 19th, 2013), We attended a "Friendly Feast" lunch "boo-fet" with the friendly witches a the children's museum. 
The girls weren't quite sure what to expect at first but ended up having a spectacular time!  I will let the pictures do the talking......
Photo op while waiting in line....

Two of the many, friendly witches!

Addison was beyond excited to have a witch paint her nails.

They loved this witch's broom

Love them!

Getting painted!

Spider painting and showing off her nails!

After lunch there was a "lights on--haunted house" for the kids to walk through. 
The 3-d glasses were supposed to help give you the full effect.  We ended up taking them off almost instantly.  The girls were having issues balancing and not running into the walls with the glasses on.  Terry and I did the same.  It was rather difficult to keep an eye on the girls when things seemed to be jumping out at you.

Addison made me take a photo of this potty.


And at the children's museum right now they have a transformers display.  The girls thought these were pretty neat!

Monday, October 21, 2013


I hate carving pumpkins.  It makes me very happy that the girls love their "cheater" decorative pumpkins!  I'm sure we will actually end up carving real ones anyway....but for now, they couldn't be more excited about these.

Friday, October 18, 2013


I've gone back and forth for quite some time as to whether or not I actually wanted to write this post.  Today, I have decided that it is actually time.

After a recent post where I mentioned that I had a moment where I teared up thinking about how I should be at the fair with three children instead of two.....And after my recent NICU reunion post, I have received some very hateful and just flat out rude comments and emails.  All of which, have now been blocked and/or deleted.  I've received these types of comments off and on for several years now, but today I decided it was time to compose a rebuttal.

Losing a child(ren) or having a preemie child in the NICU for several months is not something you just get over!!  It becomes part of who you are and will always be something that you carry with you for the rest of your life.  If you lost a child would you be able to "GET OVER IT"?

My children are the most important things in my life.  I don't take one day for granted.  I know that I am extremely blessed that they are here with me today.  Being told your child will never walk, talk or use the left side of their body isn't something you just forget about.  And YOUR comment that I should "JUST GET OVER IT ALREADY" and I need to quit "BEING UPSET WHEN PEOPLE CALL MY GIRLS TWINS" is asinine!

Please know, that your harassing comments have been reported.  Trackers on my website are being real helpful!  Think before you post! 

I ask you to just take a quick look at your life.  How would you feel if you lost one of your children?  How would you feel if one of your children was issued a potentially terminal diagnosis?  I'm guessing you wouldn't be real happy about it.  Would you be able to just "GET OVER IT"?   I doubt it. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pumpkin Patch 2013

Yesterday we took our annual trip to the pumpkin patch.  The girls school had their school field trip yesterday and we all had a great time, despite the cold and the muddy conditions. 
Yes, my kids are wearing winter coats and gloves.  It was that cold out on the farm.  And yes, they are wearing winter snow boots.  It was muddy due to the rain the night before.  I couldn't find their rain boots, and doubting that they would still fit, I didn't spend much time looking for them.  The snow boots worked quite well actually.
Here are some of my favorite photos:

Above two photos:  They had the kiddos doing "farm work", prior to our hay ride.

Selfie of Addison and Me.

Love her to pieces!

Love this pic of my girlies!

And always a silly photo included!

Selfie of me and my peanut!

On the hay ride!

Finding the perfect pumpkin!

She found it!

Love them!  They decided to get "medium" pumpkins.

With some of their classmates.

Can't believe how much my girlies have grown....
Here is a little comparison for yah....
Taken October 2010.