Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Teeny Tiny Tots....

People are constantly telling me how small the girls are.  Yes, my girls are tiny, relative to the average growth well as compared to most kids their age.  Respectively, given their early appearance into this world, my kiddos are well beyond average!  Their teeny tiny stature is definitely the only thing small about them.  They both have huge hearts, give huge hugs, and have the largest personalities you will ever see!!!

On Saturday, October 25th, 2014 my little peanut Alexis weighed in at:

And little Miss Sunshine, Addison topped out at :

After swimming lessons we stopped by the pediatricians office to get our flu shots/mist(s)....

Both girls did really well.  Gotta say, the mist is so much easier than the shots!!!

Alexis was pretty excited to go in the "Toy Story room".  We've never been in this patient room before.

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