Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Here's a real quick post...

I've been getting emails and texts from people asking where I've been. I've been home in bed. Sick with a double ear infection and strep throat. Sounds like fun huh? Anyone who says yes, I will give it to you with much pleasure!!!

I finally broke down and went to the doctor yesterday. Normally, I would suck it up and deal with it, but since I'm not only taking care of myself anymore, I went to the doctor.

Pretty much there is nothing that they can do. My OB doesn't want me on anti-biotics, because they can mess with the other meds I'm on. So, I just get to hang out and feel miserable....which I really could have done without having to make a trip to the doctor.

I'm hoping this goes away soon! I'm not sure how much longer my poor nose can deal with all of the sneezing!!!

Other than being sick, absolutely nothing else going on. My next doctors appointment is scheduled for Friday, the 16th. Hopefully, we will know the sexes of the babies then!!

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