Above is Alexis.
Above is Addison.
Alexis on the left and Addison is the fighter on the right.
Alexis is on the left & Addison on the right.
We are always trying out new things and new ideas to keep the girls entertained. Our pediatrician told us that this is the time that their eye/hand coordination really starts to develop. So having a wide variety of toys to keep them occupied is a good idea. Terry decided to get one of the smaller walkers that we have out of the basement. Unfortunately, Addison needs to grow about another two inches before her feet will touch the ground and she will be able to use this. But of course we took pictures of her in it anyway.
Sometimes around here feeding time can get a little hairy. Most days each girl will wait their turn to eat. Of Course that does not mean that they don't get a little fussy while waiting, but in general they will wait their turn. Some days, usually the 6:00p.m. feeding, no one wants to wait their turn, so I had to figure out how to feed them both at the same time. This is harder than it looks. Since I can only burp one at a time, sometimes this become a little difficult. But you get the general idea from these pictures. I will admit that I look awful in these pictures but I'm a Mom of two now and sometimes that leaves little time for things like showering, makeup, fixing my hair etc. etc. At this particular time, Terry, my Mom and my Sister were enjoying Terry's birthday cake. I opted not to have any and volunteered to feed the kiddos so they could all enjoy it. Seriously, after all the food we consumed at the fair that day, I couldn't even think about eating anything else!! Below are just a few random pictures Terry took of the girls laying on their boppy pillows. The top two photos are Addison and the bottom five photos are Alexis.
They're growing so fast! And they're both so beautiful. Great pics Janet!
Awesome pictures!!
I think Alexis looks like Terry. I'm still not sure about Addison. Your girls are so sweet. Keep the pictures coming whenever you can!
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